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Newsletter 25 May 2023

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora koutou e te whānau,


Helping your child improve with their writing – Parent Evening

As I have shared in our previous newsletters, we have a focus on improving the writing skills of our children this year. The leadership team is hosting an evening on Thursday 25th May at 6:00 pm-7:00pm (tonight). We welcome any parents who would like to learn more about how to help your children at home. The evening will take place in Room 5. 

Teacher Strike Action – to be confirmed (Wednesday 31st May)

There is potential teacher strike action planned for Wednesday 31 May. We are waiting to hear from NZEI (Primary Teachers Union) on next steps by Monday morning next week. We will let you know as soon as possible when we hear more details. My suggestion would be to plan ahead for either option. 

Why strike?

Both primary teachers and principals are determined to send a strong message to the Government and demand change so our students can have a teacher in every classroom and the learning support they need. Teachers love what they do, but lack of funding means that they don’t have the support they need to make sure every child has access to quality education. 

Emergency Planning – Lockdown Practice 

On Wednesday 24 May, the school conducted a lockdown practice. Hopefully, you read your Hero message both prior to the practice and during. The children and staff responded very well and the entire practice was completed within 20 minutes. These practices give our children and staff confidence to know how to respond if they are asked to support the management of any emergency. We have two responses, either Green (go outside) or Red (stay inside). A lockdown can be initiated for many reasons, where we are asking children and staff to be inside. Schools can often be asked to go into Lockdown under the direction of police or if there is something happening in the school and we need to get children inside (such as a weather event). Once everyone is inside, the messaging comes from the leadership team to the teachers sharing information such as if the children can be moving around or to stay still or to continue learning but simply stay inside. Yesterday, we practiced keeping still and minimising noise. 


We had a great time learning about Road Safety, especially around our school. Children went out with their teachers to go over basic safety rules. They focussed on crossing using a pedestrian crossing, using the traffic lights to cross the road and safely walking around the carparks. We had our student leaders reminding the public to slow down and you can see Tom in the photo measuring vehicle speed travelling down Killarney Street. 

Lollies, sugary drinks, sweets at school

A reminder that these food options are not part of our morning tea and lunch options. Please do not send your children to school with these items. It has come to our attention that some children are sharing these food items after school. A friendly reminder that from 3:00pm all children must be supervised by an adult as they are in the care of their parents and not the school.

Devika Tagg


Pink Shirt Day thank you!

Thank you for supporting Pink Shirt Day. We raised $340 to go towards the Mental Health Foundation. On the day, the Student Action Team led a lunchtime activity to write kindness quotes around our school.

Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora!

Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!’

Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our Kura is now in the second year of our Mitey journey. 

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

Please check out the Mitey website for more information and what they cover:

In Whānau Kererū, we have been learning that thoughts, feelings and actions are connected. According to the Mitey programme, it is important to learn to identify and express exactly how I and others are feeling with the right words.

We’ve been exploring emotional words other than the simple ‘happy’, ‘sad’ or ‘angry’.

The learners have grouped emotion words into similar categories:

Under ‘happy/ harikoa’ we can also express using the words optimism, triumph, contentment and anticipation.

Under ‘sad’, we can express using vulnerable, guilty, remorseful, insignificant or powerlessness.

Kapa Haka

We are delighted to invite all our Parents and Whanau to attend our Kereru and Tui Kapa Haka Perfomance in the Hall on Thursday 1st June – 3:30pm-4:00pm.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Road Safety Alert

It has come to our attention that there are a few areas close to school where children need to take extra care when crossing these roads.

These are the areas to be aware of:

Anzac Road and Auburn Street (these are traffic light controlled)
Roundabout at the intersection of Huron Street and Auburn Street
Intersection at corner of Byron Avenue and Burns Avenue

Please talk to your children about ensuring that they use traffic light crossings and also not to cross the road right by the roundabouts.


Thursday 25 May             Writing Workshop (6:00pm-7:00pm)

Wednesday 31 May         Teacher Strike Action (to be confirmed)

Thursday 1 June               Kapa Haka Perfomance (Kereru & Tui) Hall 3:30-4:00pm

Monday 5 June                 Kings Birthday (public holiday)

Friday 16 June                  School Disco (details to follow)        

Click here for School Calendar


Registrations 2023

To register your child please head along to our school website, located under the sports section (“our learning”) you will find the registration forms tab. This is where ALL permissions and registrations will take place in 2023. 

Link to school website here:  click here



Here are the year 6 netballers after their first win this season. This is a team with new players – look at their happy faces, well done Alyxis, Tanvi, Molly, Maali, Skye, Micah, Hannah and Mia!! 

Year 1/2 netballers had their game at St Mary’s school. Even though they lost (0 vs 3) everyone had great fun! 
Our team just want to say a big thank to Ryan from Kereru E. He has volunteered to be our coach, helping younger players to become familiar with the netball rules and build confidence within the team. We really appreciate his contribution to our team.
Well done, Ryan! 


Term 1: Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term 2: Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December


We are supporting Stats NZ to encourage everyone to complete the 2023 Census.   

So, this is a reminder that you need to return your census forms if you have not done so already. 

To complete the census, you can do it online at using one of the access codes provided in the letters sent to your household. Or you can fill out paper census forms if you have them. To request a new access code or paper forms, freephone 0800 236 787 (0800 CENSUS) or order online at  

The 2023 Census closes on 30 June, so you should do them online now or as soon as practicable. Ensure your paper forms are posted so they arrive with Stats NZ by 30 June. 

Big Buddy has male role models available in your community now.

We know that there are many reasons why a boy might not have his father in his life and this absence can strongly impact them. Research shows that boys growing up without a male role model are more likely to struggle with anxiety, feelings of abandonment and reduced emotional security. Sadly, this can lead to mental health and behavioural issues.

Big Buddy doesn’t wait for boys to become statistics, we focus on prevention and work on the simple philosophy that all boys develop more courage and confidence when they have a positive male role model. Big Buddy can provide that.

Big Buddy makes a positive difference to boys without a dad in their lives. We do this by matching volunteers, good guys from the community, with boys aged between 7 and 14. The Big Buddy relationship offers friendship, support and a good male role model. Big Buddies turn up, spend time with their Little Buddy and come back again and again, it’s simple and it works.

We’re looking for new Little Buddies now.

We have several trusted Big Buddies available in your community now and we are keen to match them to boys who could benefit from a positive male role model.

We are able to support boys who:

●      Are 7-14 years old

●      Have little or no contact with their natural father, or other significant males

●      Have no significant mental/emotional/physical health issues


Guitar Lessons are available at Takapuna Primary School on Monday mornings, with Dave Gatman from Musiqhub. If you would like to enrol your child to start Guitar Lessons, please contact Dave on 021 222 1456 or

Speed Limits have changed

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