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OUT OF ZONE APPLICATIONS for terms 2-4 2025 OPEN NOW! (year 0/1 & 2 ONLY) *closes Friday 21 March 2025

Newsletter 22 June 2023

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora koutou e te whānau,

Parent questions and wonderings – *update

Since the last newsletter, I have now had 50 families respond to the questionnaire. This is great, thank you. I have looked at the questions and I am delighted at the quality of the questions. There are literally over a hundred questions! I have grouped the questions into different categories. They are curriculum, leadership, teachers, teaching and learning, assessment, parents helping at home, and general questions. I will take turns at answering the broad questions using different methods depending on the questions. I will begin sharing these next term through a separate Hero Post. Please look out for these posts. I will also contact families who want to join a whānau group to work on some initiatives together – this is very exciting! 

Overall Teacher Judgement (Posted on Hero Week 10, Term 2)

In our last newsletter you would have read about the process we have gone through to report on writing progress. This week I will explain the OTJ (overall teacher judgement). We make an overall teacher judgement using a variety of evidence including classroom work and assessments. We think about the progress made so far into the year and decide if students are likely to make the progress needed to meet their expected curriculum level or not yet. A curriculum level is determined by the expectations in each year level (e.g Year 1, Year 2 etc) and if the students are meeting their expectations for that year level. You will get this information underneath the writing progress post during the last week of this term. You will receive the mid-year OTJ for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We use this information to see which students are on track and if we can support those students not making the progress any differently. My suggestion (as always) is to make time to discuss any concerns you have with your child’s classroom teacher, you do not need to wait for any formal meetings to discuss progress. 

Learner-led Conferences 

As part of reporting to parents, students are asked to lead and demonstrate their learning to their families. This will happen on Week 3, Term 3 on Tuesday 1 August. There will be afternoon and evening sessions. More information about this will be shared early Term 3 with booking details. Please schedule this date in your diaries.  

Changes to the New Zealand Curriculum 

The Ministry is two years into a six-year programme to refresh The New Zealand Curriculum.

Te Mātaiaho: The refreshed curriculum will support every ākonga (learner) to experience success in their learning. It will give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and will be inclusive, clear about the learning that matters, and easy to use from year 0 to year 13.

The final draft of Te Mātaiaho will be released in Term 3, 2023, and it will include the three refreshed learning areas which have been released so far: Social sciences, English, Mathematics and Statistics.

The other five learning areas are being refreshed, and will be released in 2024 and 2025. Schools and Kura have until 2027 to begin using the complete refreshed curriculum.

The first stage of the refresh took effect at the start of 2023, and new Aotearoa New Zealand Histories content is now required to be taught in all schools.

Please note: as we move from the current curriculum to the new curriculum, schools will undergo changes to the way we assess and report to parents regarding the learning goals. This will take a while to establish, so in the meantime we have made the decision to take off the current reporting curriculum levels (on Hero) so parents can see the comments from teachers only. There is no point in parents understanding the current curriculum levels when these will be replaced. 

Year 6 Graduation Evening

If you have a Year 6 student graduating from TPS this year, this will be on Thursday 7 December at 6:00pm.  

Devika Tagg


General Reminders

Reporting Absences

If your child is absent from school, this MUST be reported, along with the reason, BEFORE 9:00 am. Please note that an absence notice is a requirement of the Ministry of Education. If we do not receive confirmation of absence AND the reason, your child will be marked as “truant”. 

Picking up your child from school

Could we also be mindful of the school policy with regards to picking up your child promptly at 3:00pm. Children who have not been picked up by 3:15pm will need to be placed in After School Care, where they can be supervised. We do not want to have to do this, as this will be at a cost to parents.

Many thanks for your cooperation with this. 

Pizza, wheels & non-uniform day

On Thursday 29 June we will have our school Pizza, Wheels and Non-Uniform Day. 
For $10.50, your child will receive:

For morning tea: a packet of popcorn/chips and a packet of cookies/ crackers.

For lunch:  An individual pizza.

Vegetarian/ Vegan/ Gluten-free/ Dairy free options are available.

This year, the School Community Group will be taking lunch orders through KINDO only. Donations for non-uniform day can also be made using this app.

Orders must be placed through KINDO by 3:00pm, Friday 23rd June. Please ensure your child’s classroom is actually correct, when placing order.


Follow the below links to place your orders and make payments.

Pizza order:
Non-uniform day donation:

For more information about KINDO and how to register, please refer to the attached document.

– Takapuna Primary School Community Group

Chess Club
There are two chess clubs in Auckland: 
Auckland Chess Centre – Mt Eden
Saturday Junior Nights 5:00pm to 6:00pm

North Shore Chess Club – Northcote

Friday Junior Nights 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Joining a chess club is a good idea, so our kids can practice what they learn in class at the chess club.

Here are the links to these chess clubs:


School Photos

On Wednesday 19 July & Thursday 20 July (wk 1, Term 3) we will be having class/sibling and team photos. Please mark this in your diaries.

More information will be posted on Hero.

Sibling photo request forms will go home with your child this week. Please ONLY return these if you require a sibling photo.

Sibling photo request forms MUST be returned to your child’s teacher no later than Wednesday 28 June.


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


In Whānau Kiwi we have been learning to identify different feelings and to recall times when we have felt this way. We used picture books, emotion cards and role play to explore our feelings and to think of ways we can help ourselves when we are feeling sad, lonely or afraid. 

Please check out the Mitey website for more information and what they cover:

Kapa Haka

Saturday 24 June – 3:00pm-7:00pm. Come and join us all at the Bayswater Matariki Festival. Our TPS Kapa Haka Group will be performing between 4:45pm-5:00pm and we are very proud of all the hard work so far.

Music Showcase

On Friday 30th June, our TPS music groups will be performing in the assembly between 9:15am- 10:00am. Come and see our String/wind ensemble, Dolce Tones Choir, Marimba, Ukulele, Young Composers and Alto Recorder Group, plus some whole school singing.


Saturday 24 June              Bayswater Festival – Kapa Haka 4:45-5:00pm

Thursday 29 June              Pizza, wheels & non-uniform day

Friday 30 June                   Music Showcase Assembly 9:15-10:00am

                                            Last day of term 3:00pm

Monday 17 July                 Start of Term 3

Wednesday 19 July           Class/Sibling Photos

Thursday 20 July               Team/Sibling Photos

Friday 21 July                    Mihi Whakatau (welcome NEW families to TPS) 9:15am

Click here for School Calendar


Registrations 2023

To register your child please head along to our school website, located under the sports section (“our learning”) you will find the registration forms tab.

This is where ALL permissions and registrations will take place in 2023. 

Link to school website here:  click here


Splash Polo

Registrations are now open. The google form to register is under the Sports tab, labelled “registration”.


Basketball at YMCA – Semester 2: The Competition has been cancelled. More news about the Y Basketball Academy to follow……..


Term 1: Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term 2: Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December


After School Care

Dear Families

We are very excited to begin a fun and exciting July Holiday Program. We will keep the children busy, warm and entertained. 

Please click the below link to enrol your child into the July Holiday Program

click here

Below is our activities sheet which outlines our busy 2 weeks

Kind regards

Kelli and the team

This winter holiday, Nutty Scientists invites kids to unlock the secrets of forensic science through an engaging programme. Investigate fingerprints, analyze DNA, detect food chemicals and solve intriguing mysteries, all while nurturing your scientific curiosity. Enrol now and embark on an exciting adventure that will inspire young minds and ignite a passion for forensic science.

3 July – 6 July, Scott Point School

10 July – 13 July, Sunnynook Scout Hall

Don’t miss out, enrol now.

Extraordinarily Creative are our weekly drama classes and especially created for autistic and neurodivergent children and teens who skip to a different beat and who see and experience things in their own extraordinary way.     

For expressions of interest, please contact Sara Dakin our Youth Theatre Manager at or call 09 486 2261. 

Speed Limits have changed

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