Announcement : 

TPS celebrates “Culture Week” 17 – 21 March 

Newsletter 31 August 2023

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora koutou e te whānau,

We are really looking forward to tonight’s production. It has been an incredible journey and one the children are very excited about.

Here is the information.

Evening Performance: 

Drop off:

  • One parent/guardian to drop your child off at the Bruce Mason Centre at 5:30pm. Come through the main entrance and staff will guide you. 


  • Named drink bottle 
  • Come in plain non-uniform clothes (e.g t’shirt, tights, pants etc.) These will be left behind and given to the children the following day, bring a small named bag to store these clothes for the night. Children will go home in their costumes. 
  • Shoes on feet
  • No jackets, extra clothing or equipment needed 
  • Please ensure your children have had their dinner before 5.30pm 

After Drop off: 

  • Please bring $2.00 for the programmes, these will be sold by Bruce Mason staff, make sure you know what class your child is in and note on the programme when they will perform with their class item. 
  • We ask your family to wait outside the BMC while lots of children are being dropped off.
  • Be seated at Bruce Mason inside the theatre (don’t forget to bring your ticket) by 6.15 – 6.20pm. Principal will speak at 6.20pm and the show will commence by 6.30pm.  

Phones, videoing and photographs:

  • During the performance, phones are strictly set on silent or turned off. Children can not be photographed or recorded. 

After the Show: PICK UP (This will be explained at the end of the show)

  • Only ONE parent/caregiver must pick up each child, you can only pick your own child. Please leave the Bruce Mason Centre if you are not picking up children as it will be very busy inside. 
  • Year 5 and 6 (Kererū), you will need to find your child’s teacher and sign them out. All of Kererū teachers will be lined up in the upstairs foyer. 
  • Year 3 and 4 (Tūī), you will need to find your child’s teacher and sign them out. All of Tūī teachers will be lined up in the downstairs foyer. 
  • Year 0, 1 and 2 (Kiwi), you will need to find your child’s teacher and sign them out. All of Kiwi teachers will stay in the stage area inside the theatre. Please do not come down to the stage, you will be given instructions. 

Siblings: Please collect your eldest child first. The teachers will keep all the children safe, no need to feel panicked or rushed during this process. 


*********This process will take time, we ask for your patience*********

Ngā mihi

Devika Tagg


Te Ara Huarau is the evaluation approach that the Education Review Office (ERO) is using in our school. This a developmental approach to evaluation where ERO and our school work together over time rather than one off reviews that happened previously. Te Ara Huarau is used in most English-medium state and state-integrated schools.

 ERO maintains a regular review programme to evaluate and report on the education and care of young people in the schools. Our school worked alongside ERO to write our Profile Report. This type of report will only happen once as part of our initial engagement with Te Ara Huarau. The profile report reflects our strategic goals and a shared evaluation focus one or more areas that are important to us as we work together to improve outcomes for all our learners. ERO, like us, have a strong focus on equity and excellence. Future reporting will show our progress and achievement towards meeting the goals we have set. Public reports like the Profile Report are published on ERO’s website.

 A Board Assurance Report that shows how we are meeting regulatory and legislative Requirements has also been published.

 Included in our bundle of published reports is a Provision for International Students report.

Class novel in Kererū C

Learners in Kererū C were overjoyed when we received a letter back from the author of the Eerie-on-Sea series, Thomas Taylor. In class, we read the first book in the series, the Malamander then the sequel, the Gargantis.

For our class writing task, we have written letters to Thomas Taylor at the end of Term 2, and then posted them to the UK. While we didn’t expect a reply back, it was great to receive an envelope sealed with stamps from the United Kingdom.

“Who is Thomas Taylor, you may ask? Well, he is the author who has written the Eerie-On-Sea series and he lives in the UK. We’ve so far read two books in the series, the Malamander and the Gargantis. 
But what is so good about these books? The books have an amazing plot-twist and great characters.”
By Bliss, Kererū C.


Rehu Tai Speech Final

Takapuna Primary School would like to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work and effort our students put in representing us at the NSPA Rehu Tai Speech final for North Shore Schools at Kristin school on the 24th of August. The theme was ‘Kaitiakitanga’. Our students did an exceptional job of meeting the requirements for this.

The calibre of the presentations was exceptionally high. All our students competed to the best of their ability. Well done: 

Ian Xu – Flashtalk “ Kaitiakitanga”

Sophie Duncan – Spoken word “Kaitiakitanga”

Luna Begovic Couto – Traditional speech  “The Amazon”

News from your Library Team

Our learners are loving the ‘new look’ of the school library – our modern red shelving, our new blue walls and brand new warm carpet! A big thank you to everyone who supported us by purchasing books during our recent Scholastic Book Fair. This has meant we have been able to add many new book titles to our collections – books that our learners have asked for over the years! We also have plans to purchase some comfortable seating for a cosy place to curl up and read. The library has been a very popular space to enjoy during all this wet weather. 


Out of Zone Enrolments (those turning 5yr in 2024 only)

The board has determined that limited places for children turning 5 in 2024, are likely to be available for out-of-zone students. This includes siblings of current students. 

Application for enrolment is online via our school website

The deadline for receipt of applications for out-of-zone places is Wednesday 11 October 2023.

*Parents of students who live within the school zone should also apply by this date, to assist the school with planning.

Ballot (if required) will be drawn Wednesday 18 October 2023. Parents will be informed of the results within 3 school days of the ballot being held.

Enquiries to 

General Reminders

Reporting Absences

If your child is absent from school, this MUST be reported, along with the reason, BEFORE 9:00 am. Please note that an absence notice is a requirement of the Ministry of Education. If we do not receive confirmation of absence AND the reason, your child will be marked as “truant”. 

Picking up your child from school

Could we also be mindful of the school policy with regards to picking up your child promptly at 3:00pm. Children who have not been picked up by 3:15pm will need to be placed in After School Care, where they can be supervised. We do not want to have to do this, as this will be at a cost to parents. 


Our ONZA Marimba Festival, “Songs of Tawhirimatea”, takes place on Saturday 2 September at the Barfoot and Thompson Stadium Kohimarama. Our concert starts at 12pm and ends at 1pm. Vanessa will liaise about parking details and collecting instruments from the music room next week.
Our Marimba Group have been preparing for this festival alongside our school production, so we are very pleased that they are doing so much mahi.  Ka rawe mau. Great effort, marimba group!

Kindo & ezlunch are excited to share the arrival of a fresh new look in Term 3!

With it’s improved layout and enhanced features, the interface is now easier than ever to navigate, further simplifying school life and saving you time.

So what can you expect from the new and improved versions of Kindo & ezlunch?

  • A fresh, new look with better navigation and clear student selection
  • Clearer cart layout showing what has been purchased for each person
  • Faster and easier checkout flow for a better shopping experience
  • Better visibility of which items are available and which aren’t 
  • New item search & sort function e.g. sort lunch by dietary requirement
  • Easier process for ordering lunches for ‘multiple days’


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


Learners in Kererū were introduced to the relationship between feelings, thoughts and behaviours and how they impact each other.

We’ve discussed how thoughts are an internal summary of a situation or event or a prediction about a situation or event – e.g ‘I can’t do this’ ‘I will hate this’. We’ve discussed how feelings are a one word explanation of an emotional reaction – worried, happy, and are a response to a thought. 
Behaviours are a response to a feeling or a thought. Behaviours can be inward e.g. not speaking, tensing muscles, grinding teeth, or outward (observable) e.g. turning down an invitation to a party or shouting at someone.
The learners drew a map in their Mitey books about our upcoming event – the school production and discussed the way we think or feel may influence our behaviour. eg. being nervous about performing on stage and mind going blank.

Dear Parents/Caregivers

We are excited to share with you the details of our Sept/Oct Holiday Program. 

We are hoping for lots of fun, activites, games and good weather. Have a look at our daily activities sheet and below is the link to enrol your child/ren into the Holiday Program.

Please could all enrolment forms be completed and submitted by the latest 17/9/23No bookings will be taken after this date. 

Click on  the link below to complete and submit before 17/9/23

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Kind regards


Aftercare Supervisor


Thursday 31 August           School Production (Slice of Aotearoa) 6:30pm start

Wednesday 11 October      2024 Out of Zone Applications CLOSE

Wednesday 18 October      2024 Out of Zone Ballot DRAWN

Friday 22 September          End of Term 3 (3:00pm)

Click here for School Calendar


Registrations 2023

To register your child please head along to our school website, located under the sports section (“our learning”) you will find the registration forms tab.

This is where ALL permissions and registrations will take place in 2023. 

Link to school website here:  click here



Term 1: Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term 2: Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December


The 2023 General Election will be held in October and we want every eligible New Zealander to enrol and vote.

Voting starts on Monday 2 October 2023

Voting ends at 7:00pm on election day (Saturday 14 October).


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