Announcement : 

TPS celebrates “Culture Week” 17 – 21 March 

Newsletter 14 September 2023

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Message from TPS Board: 

Kia ora TPS Whānau,

The TPS School Board would like to acknowledge and thank the teachers and wider staff for all of the work that went into making ‘Slice of Aotearoa’. It was such a huge success. This was an invaluable experience for all our tamariki to learn new skills and challenge themselves. It was an impressive and thoroughly entertaining evening, and the result of many, many hours of behind the scenes work.

A big thanks also to school friends and family that came along to support. It was great to be at the Bruce Mason Theatre and feel such a strong sense of community. The level of support and encouragement that filled the theatre was wonderful. It was fantastic to see the wider school community able to come together again.

TPS Board

The Better Start Literacy Approach at TPS and Beyond:

Whānau Kiwi have been excited about the results we have seen over the past two years using the Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA). We have seen the learners transfer their knowledge of letter sounds to their Reading and Writing. Since the beginning of BSLA, there have been over 50,000 learners who have participated within 877 primary schools throughout New Zealand. Please find the conclusion of recent research findings of these 50,000 learners below:

Results from the implementation of the Better Start Literacy Approach across New Zealand are very promising. Students are demonstrating strong growth in foundational phonic and phonological awareness skills during the first ten weeks of BLSA teaching, which then translate into growth in reading and spelling across the next twenty weeks of BSLA teaching. The BSLA is beneficial for all students, including those learning English as a second language and those requiring additional support (Tier 2) to master foundational oral language and phonic and word decoding skills. Findings indicate that when well-supported with quality Professional Learning and Development and structured evidenced-based reading instruction through the BSLA, teachers can do an incredible job of uplifting literacy development in all children and reducing existing literacy inequities.

Published research reports detailing data from BSLA can be found on the BSLA website

Teacher Only Day 

A reminder that TOD (Teacher Only Day) is on Monday 13 November. You will need to find alternative care for your child on this day. This TOD is given by the Ministry of Education so schools and teachers are given time to go through the upcoming Curriculum changes and implementation of the Aotearoa Histories Curriculum.  

Devika Tagg


Te Wiki o te Reo Māori:

September 11th – 17th September 2023

Kia kaha te reo Māori!

‘Kia kaha’ means to ‘be strong’, so when we say ‘Kia kaha te reo Māori’ we’re saying ‘Let’s make the Māori language strong’.

This wiki (week) TPS have been celebrating māori language week. There have been lots of new waiata (songs) and kupu (words) being spoken in the classroom. 

5C have been learning the poi, 6B and Tūi B have been doing some fabulous art  and writing and 5B have created a puppet show about maui and the sun

Marian who has been running our community Te reo lessons has provided whānau with some instructions for at home.  

Home Instructions:

  • Whakarongo mai   Listen to me
  • Haere mai               Come here
  • Haere ki roto          Go inside
  • Haere ki waho        Go outside
  • Haere ki tō rūma    Go to your room
  • Taima kura              School time
  • Taima kai                 Food time
  • Waku tō niho          Brush your teeth
  • Taima horohoroi     Shower time
  • Heke tō iWaea        Off your iPhone


We did toketoke or pou pou art in 6B

Out of Zone Enrolments (those turning 5yr in 2024 only)

The board has determined that limited places for children turning 5 in 2024, are likely to be available for out-of-zone students. This includes siblings of current students. 

Application for enrolment is online via our school website

The deadline for receipt of applications for out-of-zone places is Wednesday 11 October 2023.

*Parents of students who live within the school zone should also apply by this date, to assist the school with planning.

Ballot (if required) will be drawn Wednesday 18 October 2023. Parents will be informed of the results within 3 school days of the ballot being held.

Enquiries to 

General Reminders

Reporting Absences:

If your child is absent from school, this MUST be reported, along with the reason, BEFORE 9:00 am. Please note that an absence notice is a requirement of the Ministry of Education. If we do not receive confirmation of absence AND the reason, your child will be marked as “truant”. 

Picking up your child from school:

Could we also be mindful of the school policy with regards to picking up your child promptly at 3:00pm. Children who have not been picked up by 3:15pm will need to be placed in After School Care, where they can be supervised. We do not want to have to do this, as this will be at a cost to parents. 


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


It is Mental Health Awareness Week across Aotearoa from 18th – 24th September.
The focus this year is Five Ways for the Five Days. Put the Five Ways into practice this Mental Health Awareness Week:
Take notice/Me aro tonu.
Be Active/Me kori tonu.
Connect/Me whakawhanaunga.
Keep Learning/Me ako tonu.
‘I am Hope’
Our school was lucky to have Hope Ambassadors from the Mike King Foundation come and talk to us about Mental Health and Wellbeing. 
Whānau Kiwi had kōrero around the topic of ‘Little People, Big Feelings’. Whānau Tūī and Kererū had kōrero about our own positive and negative voices and what to do with them.
Attached are photos of whānau Kiwi and some reflection of the session from the whānau Kererū.

Susan Han
Teacher – Kererū C

Environment Monitors:

There was much excitement amongst the team when we caught 3 rats in traps, given to us by the group Pupuke Bird Song. The group have been using peanut butter to attract the pests and were delighted with the result. Our Environment Monitors are doing their bit to protect our native birds at school.

Pizza, Wheels & Non-Uniform Day:
Thursday 21st September will be our school Pizza, Wheels and Non-Uniform Day. 
For $10.50, your child will receive:

For morning tea: a packet of popcorn/chips and a packet of cookies/ crackers.

For lunch:  An individual pizza.

Vegetarian/ Vegan/ Gluten-free/ Dairy free options are available.

This year, the School Community Group will be taking lunch orders through KINDO. Donations for non-uniform day can also be made using this app.

Orders must be placed through KINDO by 9:00pm, 16th September. 


For more information about KINDO and how to register, please refer to the attached documents.

The Takapuna Primary School Community Group

Lost Property:

Please ask your child to check at the office if they have misplaced any items, before the end of the term.

Many thanks

Thursday 21 September     Pizza/Wheels/Non-uniform day

Friday 22 September          End of Term 3 (3:00pm)

Monday 9 October              Start of Term 4 (9:00am)

Wednesday 11 October      2024 Out of Zone Applications CLOSE

Wednesday 18 October      2024 Out of Zone Ballot DRAWN

Monday 13 November       Teacher Only Day (no school)

Click here for School Calendar


Registrations 2023

To register your child please head along to our school website, located under the sports section (“our learning”) you will find the registration forms tab.

This is where ALL permissions and registrations will take place in 2023. 

Link to school website here:  click here


Rugby Prize Giving:

Well done to the Takapuna Primary students who received many of the awards presented at Takapuna Rugby’s Prize Giving on Saturday.

We are all super proud of the way you represented our school!



Netball Prizegiving:

We are so proud of the team, as none of these students had played before but they have learnt and achieved so much during this season. They were such a pleasure to coach and were always keen to participate in tournaments and winning all their games. Congratulations to our team for being runner up this year, they recieved silver medals during prize giving on Monday night. 

Being placed First, was the greatest thing, seeing their smiling faces. 

Thank you from Sarah and Mandy and our Cheerleading team of Amazing Parents. 

We are so pleased for our Year 6 netball team, who came runner up and recieved their silver medals during the prize giving on Monday night. They have worked very hard this season and achieved great results as a group. 

A huge thanks to Jodie and Amanda for their impressive organisation and coaching. Thanks to all the families who come together to make netball happen for Takapuna Primary School. 

Skateboarding, Safety, Responsibility and Perseverance.

The Takapuna Skate School runs on Thursdays after school at Takapuna Primary School. Classes are taken by professional skateboarders from the Young Guns Skate School.

Students can come straight from school at 3:00pm and classes run from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.

No full term bookings are required, all abilities are welcome and spare skateboards and helmets provided. Tech Deck prizes to be won at all classes.

For all bookings and information visit


Term 1: Wednesday 1 February – Thursday 6 April
Term 2: Wednesday 26 April – Friday 30 June
Term 3: Monday 17 July – Friday 22 September
Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Friday 2 February – Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 Septemer
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December


After School Care:

Dear Parents/Caregivers

We are excited to share with you the details of our Sept/Oct Holiday Program. 

We are hoping for lots of fun, activites, games and good weather. Have a look at our daily activities sheet and below is the link to enrol your child/ren into the Holiday Program.

Please could all enrolment forms be completed and submitted by the latest 17/9/23

No bookings will be taken after this date. 

Click on  the link below to complete and submit before 17/9/23

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Kind regards


Aftercare Supervisor

021 0272 4117

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Tots to Teens Magazine:

The 2023 General Election will be held in October and we want every eligible New Zealander to enrol and vote.

Voting starts on Monday 2 October 2023

Voting ends at 7:00pm on election day (Saturday 14 October).


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