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Newsletter 9 November 2023

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS Whānau, 

Staffing News

We would like to let you know that Jason Barnes will be leaving our kura at the end of this year. Jason has taught and co-led Whānau Kererū students for 10 years and we will miss him! What a huge contribution he has made in his time here with multiple roles he has undertaken. 

It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that I have resigned from my leadership and teaching position at Takapuna Primary School from the end of this year. After much consideration and discussion with my family, I have decided to take up a new opportunity outside of schooling, and closer to home. While I am saddened to be leaving Takapuna after 10 amazing years, I am looking forward to spending the remainder of the year with Kererū E.”

Emergency Preparedness

As part of keeping our school safe we need to be able to respond safely and quickly to a range of emergency situations.

We work alongside an independent company, Harrison Tew ® , who specialises in emergency management planning for schools, whose procedures have been successfully implemented in hundreds of schools throughout New Zealand. As part of maintaining our emergency procedures in our school, specialised training is being conducted with our senior leadership and staff by Harrison Tew ® .

The students will also receive information on how to respond in an emergency directed at their respective age groups from either their teacher or Harrison Tew ®. We will then be conducting a lockdown exercise under the guidance and support of Harrison Tew ® . During the exercise you will receive a notification from the school, so it is important that your emergency contact details are up to date and correct. The notification will emphasise that this is an exercise/practice and will explain that all updated information will then be posted on the school website.

In a genuine incident, should you become aware of a lockdown or evacuation at the school, can I please ask that you not attend the school or phone, as we will not be able to respond. Your presence or contact may make it more difficult for us or the emergency services to manage a situation.

We thank you for your support.

School Uniforms

I would like to assure you that our school uniform has not changed for 2024 and beyond. We have moved to a different supplier. The new supplier has closely matched our uniform look as well as updated the material so that it is a bit more suitable for children to wear daily. They have been able to either keep the same cost or make it cheaper (for most of the items). As shared in previous emails, we have created a new look sports top personalised to Takapuna Primary School.

Happy Diwali 

A very happy diwali to all our families who are celebrating this on Sunday. 

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) OPEN CLASSROOMS- Whānau Kiwi

This morning, our whānau Kiwi teachers and children invited families in to see the work children have been doing in STEM. It was wonderful to see so many parents coming into the classrooms and celebrating this learning with their children. Whānau Tūī and Kererū have their STEM sharing planned for later in the term.

Feedback from families

A parent recently suggested to me that I should share our strengths as a school with the wider community. I have taken on this feedback and here is one of many messages I receive from families.

“Thank you so much for all the effort that you are putting into these special literacy topics. He loves it and is always telling us about what he’s doing. He tells me on the days that he has literacy and says he’s really looking forward to class! He’s also loving the science that you have been doing. He could tell me all about pH and alkaline/acidic and how they did the testing in class. He also loves going around the world doing experiments in your class. He tells us what countries he has in his passport and what the experiments are about. I also went on the lake trip yesterday and saw all the kids getting really into the testing and looking for bugs. 

Devika – I’ve copied you in to say thanks as well for your focus and support for science as I know it’s an area that you have wanted to focus on in the school. It’s great to see the passion and enthusiasm from the learners!”

Hi Devika, I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed reading this. I’m very grateful for the dedicated teachers my kids have. I also think having the same teacher for 1.5 years has been really great for my older son.” 

Teacher Only Day – MONDAY 13 NOVEMBER 

A reminder that TOD (Teacher Only Day) is on Monday 13 November. You will need to find alternative care for your child on this day. This TOD is given by the Ministry of Education so schools and teachers are given time to go through the upcoming Curriculum changes and implementation of the Aotearoa Histories Curriculum.  

School Carparks

Thanks to all the families who have supported us with this change. We appreciate it! 

Outstanding Payments – Check HERO Finance 

We kindly ask that all outstanding fees are paid. This includes the additional activities your child has or will be participating in this term, it also includes all the sports registrations fees. Please take the time to check your app. 

Devika Tagg


Year 5 Student Caring for our Community:

Saraiah McGowan, one of our Year 5 students, has been working hard on actions to support our local community. In the school holidays, Saraiah had the great idea to reach out to local businesses to see if they could donate food to our pātaka kai. She was concerned about how the increased cost of living is impacting some families and making it harder to buy food. ANZ staff were quick to get on board with Saraiah’s idea and recently dropped off some food for our pātaka kai. We are proud of Saraiah, for the care she is showing for others in the community and grateful to the ANZ for supporting this initiative.

                         Above: Rachel Kelly from ANZ Bank Takapuna                              

drops off food for our pātaka kai.

Above: Saraiah McGowan, Year 5, 

 with our pātaka kai.

Helpers Morning Tea:

On Wednesday 15 November, we are having a Morning Tea for those of you who have given your valuable time or assistance to TPS during the year. Please come along.

School Disco:

Get your tickets now through myKindo!

Volunteers Needed:

If you would like to help with the disco please email Mandy at 

We are looking for helpers to decorate the hall during the day of the disco and help on the night at the nibble nook, sausage sizzle, games and post disco clean up.

All help is greatly appreciated to make this a great night.  

Whole School Beach Picnic:

Kia ora e te whānau,

We are so excited to announce the return of our annual beach picnic! 

The picnic will take place on Wednesday 6th December. We aim to leave school at 9:30 am and will return by 1:00 pm.

We need as many adults as possible to walk down with us to the beach, to help at the beach and then to walk back to school with us. If you, or anyone else in your family/whānau can help on the day, please contact your child’s classroom teacher to let them know. You can do this via email or in person.

Children will need:

  • to wear their uniform tops but can wear their own shorts 
  • a brimmed hat 
  • sunscreen  
  • shoes for the walk there and back 
  • their morning tea and a drink packed separately to their lunch

When we arrive at the beach we will have morning tea and then the children play on the beach within the area marked out by cones. We will have sports equipment available and we organise a sand castle competition.  

Please note we do NOT swim.  

We aim to leave the beach at 12:30 pm arriving back at school around 1:00pm in time for lunch.

Previous days at the beach have always been lots of fun and enjoyed by all. We hope as many of you as possible can come and join us and celebrate the end of a wonderful year.

Jia Min from Kererū C has had her wonderful writing, ‘Penang’ published in issue 34 of Toitoi, a quarterly art and writing journal for children.
Well done on your beautiful piece of writing, Jia Min!
Environment Monitors:
The Environment Monitors have been very busy this term. We have finished planting our pollinators garden which will hopefully attract lots of birds in time. The group are very proud of the finished product.
Last week we walked across to Lake Pupuke to do a rubbish clean up for the afternoon. We were surprised and horrified at how much was collected in just 40 minutes!
Next week we are doing some weeding around some native plants at the lake. 
Art Wall:
The Creatives Group have been working hard to restore the old blue wall. Together, with our talented artist Sparrow, we have created a mural that links with our other art piece “Flying together”, representing the sentiment: Wherever we migrate from, we can all find a home here at Takapuna Primary School. The bird is a Tavake and it represents migration.
We would love to acknowledge the extra hard work of Jay Purdom, who spent many hours water blasting our wall, preparing it for painting. We could not have done this without Jay’s hard work and time.
Thank you SO much! 

Collins Street Access:

If you would like to access the school from Collins Street, you can do so through a gate at the edge of the field beside the little cottage. This gate is always unlocked and is a great, safe option as it leads straight to/from the footpath. However, the car park in Collins Street is for staff parking only.
Thank you for your support in keeping our tamariki safe.
After School Care: Important Notice
Dear Families
We would have loved to open for a full day on the Teacher only Day, Monday 13 November. Unfortunately we have had very few families register their interested in using our services for the day. As a result,  we will not be operating on the Teacher Only Day. We will resume aftercare as normal on Tuesday 14 November.
Kind regards
Kelli and the Aftercare Team


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


Monday 13 November       Teacher ONLY Day (no school)

Friday 24 November           School Disco yr 0-4 *4:30pm-5:30pm

                                                                    yr 5/6 *5:45pm-7:00pm

Wednesday 6 December    Whole school beach picnic – (9:30am-1:00pm)

Thursday 7 December        Year 6 Graduation (6:00pm)

Thursday 14 December      Pizza/wheels/non uniform day

Friday 15 December           Last day of Term 4 (3:00pm) 

Click here for School Calendar


Link to school website here:  click here



Term 4: Monday 9 October – Friday 15 December

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Friday 2 February – Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 Septemer
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December


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