Announcement : 

OUT OF ZONE APPLICATIONS for terms 2-4 2025 OPEN NOW! (year 0/1 & 2 ONLY) *closes Friday 21 March 2025

Newsletter 21 March 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS families,


Teacher Paid Union Meetings: tomorrow afternoon

This will be held on Friday 22 March 2024 at 1:00pm. We encourage any parents who can or are wanting to take children home at 12:50pm to do so. You’ll need to go straight into your child’s class and sign them out with their classroom teachers. For those that this is not possible, we will supervise the children with a few remaining staff. Please note the children will not be part of their normal learning programme from 1:50pm to 3:00pm and will likely be grouped across the school. For those that have after school care or activities, these will continue as normal.

3 way conferences

We have scheduled a 1:1 Parent/student meeting on Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th April. This will be an opportunity to book a time (15 mins) per student with their classroom teacher. Teachers will be able to share information of how your child has progressed over the term. This is a very important meeting, we expect that all families book in a time. Please note on Wednesday 10th April, school will finish early at 12:50pm with interviews beginning shortly after this. Thursday 11th April school will finish at the normal time of 3:00pm. You will find booking information below and will also be shared via Hero soon.

Our annual ‘Culture Week’ is coming up and we are celebrating the wonderful diversity of our school. We have over 50 different cultures represented at our school. During the week, your child’s class will be learning more about our school vision –

 ‘Proud to be Different

Tuesday 26 MarchParade Day 9:10am outside our hall

Children, parents and teachers come to school in traditional dress or costumes, (if the clothes are delicate, children can get changed after the parade back into school uniform). If it is raining we will have the parade in the hall.

Wednesday 27 March –  Shared Lunch of food from around the world

Children bring in a plate of traditional food to share for lunch. Lunch will be set up in each classroom and shared from approximately 12:30pm. You can bring a plate into the classroom at any time before 12:30pm. Please list the ingredients you have used and name the containers (if you want these back).

Thursday 28 March — Celebration Assembly 9:10am in the hall

We close our Culture Week with highlights of the week.

Lunchtime Activitiesteachers have thought of some amazing activities to share with our learners during lunchtimes. 

Family sharing:               

Are you available? If you would like to come in and share parts of your culture with our learners, we welcome families in. This could be reading a traditional story, showing a traditional skill (eg. origami, flax weaving), sharing photos, flags or anything associated with your cultural background. If you are available to help by sharing part of your culture, please email your child’s teacher as soon as possible to make a time. We suggest about 15-20 minutes. 


If you have any contact with any cultural performers who would like to share their talents with us next week, please let us know!

If you would be happy to perform at our assembly please contact your child’s teacher or

Evaluation practice

Last week we carried out our termly emergency procedures. We practised our ‘Green’ response which indicates ‘go’. Children assembled outside the courts and everyone was accounted for in less than 5 minutes including the children from the swimming pool! Amazing work TPS.

Update on staffing

Music teacher – Sadly, we have yet to find a music teacher to take over from Vanessa. We knew finding a teacher would be hard at this time and even more so in a specialist role. We will continue to do our very best to advertise this position again during the year.

ESOL part-time teacher – We want to congratulate Emily Ko who has won a full-time position at a local Intermediate school. Emily has been looking for a full time position and her new school is very lucky. We are looking to find another part-time teacher to support Tash with our ESOL teaching and learning.

Public Holiday coming up

A reminder school is closed for the Easter break for 3 days – Friday 29 March, Monday 1 April and Tuesday 2 April.


This term teachers have been running organised activities at break times to give learners the opportunity to experience some different activities at school. Opportunities include frisbee, football, swimming and softball. We’ve all had a blast!

Parent help during Sports events

As you know, we can not go ahead with any sports events without the support of our parent helpers. This includes managing teams, supervision and transport. Recently, we have taken 2 football teams to play in a tournament at Stanley Bay Park.

A reminder that if you sign your children up for these events, you will need to keep a very close eye on Hero, as communication comes from the school almost daily leading up to the event. If one person isn’t prepared, pulls out or can’t do something – sadly all children and families are affected. We urge you to carefully read everything coming home. 

Regards, Devika and the TPS team.

3 Way Conferences: BOOK NOW!

Wednesday 10 April  (1:30pm – 7:30pm)

Thursday 11 April  (3:30pm – 6:00pm)

To book your child’s 3 way conference (15 minutes) please click on the link below:



Can you help?
We are in the process of tidying up our native grove garden.
Is there anyone in our school community who have contacts for some mulch (black or natural colour).
We also are on the hunt for a park bench in good order. If anyone would like to kindly donate this to be used in our garden.
Please get in touch with the school office.

Parent Donations Receipts – HOW TO DOWNLOAD

Through Hero you can download your receipts (Instructions are also on our website, under ‘Information’)

Here’s how …..

In a web browser go to  YOU MUST USE THIS WEBSITE – The Hero app on your phone does not have this feature.

Shop for your school:

Join us for an exciting opportunity at Shore City Shopping Centre!
10 local schools will have the chance to win a share of $20K in prizes!
$10K Grand Prize
$6K Second Prize
$4K Third Prize
Shoppers who enter their receipts get a chance to be in to win a weekly prize of a $100 Life Pharmacy Shore City gift voucher!
1) Shop at any participating retailer and earn 1 point for every $1 spent.
2) Scan the QR Code in-store or visit the Shore City Shopping Centre website to enter your details, upload receipts, and nominate your school.
Don’t miss this chance to support your school and win big!
Details here:  

If you would like a free shopping bag, please collect from the office.

Campaign Leaderboard


Northcote Primary School 1248
Stanley Bay School 3063
Devonport Primary School 5977
Takapuna Normal Intermediate School 6870
Milford School 7364
Forrest Hill School 7576
Takapuna Primary School 15733
Bayswater School 18667
St Leo’s Catholic School 23601
Hauraki School 29743


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


Friday 22 March        Teacher Paid Union Meeting (pick up children 12:50pm)

Monday 25 March     Culture Week (until Thursday 28 March)

Friday 29 March        Good Friday (no school)

Monday 1 April          Easter Monday (no school)

Tuesday 2 April          Easter (no school)

Wednesday 10 April  3 Way Conferences (finish time 12:50pm)

Thursday 11 April      3 Way Conferences (finish time 3:00pm)

Friday 12 April           End of Term 1 (3:00pm)

Click here for School Calendar


Link to school website here:  click here


Have a go Day – Rippa Rugby

Members of the North Shore Rugby Club will be at the school on Thursday 4th April to introduce our year 1 and 2 kids to Rippa Rugby. It will be from 3:15pm until 4:00pm. The kids will be introduced to the game and will have some fun running around for the afternoon – nothing too serious.

Rippa Rugby is a great way to get the kids active and introduce them to the sport in a safe and non-contact environment. Winner of last year’s Junior Club of the Year award, the North Shore Rugby Club has a fantastic community feel and welcomes all families no matter what level of experience with the game.

If you are interested in learning more, please come along for the afternoon. If your child is already signed up, please feel free to come along for a run around also.

Shore to Shore 

The Harcourts Cooper & Co 2024 Shore to Shore 5km fun run/walk is taking place on Sunday  7th April. The fun run/walk starts at 9:00am at Takapuna Grammar School and heads along Takapuna and Milford beaches to finish at the beautiful Milford Reserve.

This is North Harbour’s largest annual fun run/walk and helps the community to support their local schools.  A portion of each entry fee goes back to participating schools. Sign up now!

Girls Football Tournament 

Thank you to all the parents who helped support this day. The girls had a fabulous day. 


Here is the link for next term’s netball Registration 

New Sports Top

The new yellow TPS sports top replaces the old navy blue sports top. This has come into effect from term one 2024. If your child is representing the school for sports, this is the uniform they will be required to wear. Below is a list of the school sports affected by this change:

  • Netball
  • Hockey (if we have a team)
  • Football Festivals
  • Cricket Festivals
  • Rippa Rugby Festivals
  • Cross Country
  • Athletics
  • Touch Rugby

There will also be other opportunities to use the new sports top at school. If your child prefers they may change into their sports top for Physical Education, EOTC and Cross Country practice.

We understand that purchasing a Sports Top may be difficult for some whānau, and we currently do not have second hand options available as it is a new item.  We do not wish for anyone to miss out on a sporting opportunity due to not being able to afford a top. If this applies to you, we ask that you make contact with us to enable us to work together to find a solution.

If you are in a position to sponsor any tops for the school that we could loan out to our tamariki for some of our one off festivals we would love to hear from you.  

A massive thank you to Chloe and Darren Berghan who have already generously offered to sponsor some tops that we can loan out! 

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Friday 2 February – Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 Septemer
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December


After School Care Holiday Program:

Our April school holiday program is just around the corner!

We are excited to run a holiday program during the April school holidays from 15-26 April 2024. Thursday 25th April is Anzac day, we will be closed.

We have a fun filled and jam packed program planned for the holidays. The good news is that we will be visiting the Takapuna Beachside Cinema on Friday 26th April. We sure have missed the cinema!

Please click on the link below to enrol your children, bookings will close on Monday 1st April. NO BOOKINGS WILL BE TAKEN AFTER THIS DATE.


Take a look at our activities sheet to see our daily schedule and awesome activities planned.

Should you have any questions/queries please let me know, or

021 0272 4117

Kind regards

Kelli and the team

TPS Aftercare Ltd

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