Announcement : 

OUT OF ZONE APPLICATIONS for terms 2-4 2025 OPEN NOW! (year 0/1 & 2 ONLY) *closes Friday 21 March 2025

Newsletter 5 September 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS whānau,


3 Way conferences

Thank you to all the families who were able to make time to meet with their classroom teachers. We had over 90% of families who came, which is excellent. It was lovely to chat with parents and proud students after their interview times. Just a reminder, you can book in time with your class teacher during any part of the year, especially important if you have any specific questions or concerns. If you have any general feedback for us, please drop in and chat to me or email

Student behaviour

Like any school environment where children are growing and learning from their actions, they make mistakes, test boundaries and understand hurt feelings. We are responding to behaviour as a very important milestone in the developmental stages of children. As you know at Takapuna Primary, our response is to work with the child and their families. This positive combination means we can achieve excellent results collectively. Thanks to the following families who have taken the time to share their thoughts with me:

Hi Devika,

“Thank you for your reply and clarity. I fully support your measures and am happy to see the students learning there are repercussions for poor behaviour. Thank you for creating clear boundaries for the children.”

Parent of Year 6 student

Hi Devika,

“We are truly grateful to you. [child’s name] explained the entire process to us last Wednesday. He and both of us feel that you have an extraordinary ability to guide him in clearly explaining the situation from start to finish. You patiently listened to his explanations, helping him analyse and summarise the reasons. Thank you so much for your thoughtful and kind response. We completely agree with your views, and we truly appreciate and support any decisions you make.”

Parent of a Year 6 student

Celebrating success

This is Leo, who is a wonderful Year 4 learner at TPS. He has been working incredibly hard on improving his writing and proudly shared this with me yesterday. He shared that it was fun to write and that he was able to follow his success list. Well done Leo.

Please help us

Classrooms open at 8:30am, we encourage children to come to school from this time. If you need to, you are able to leave children at school from 8:15am, but there is no supervision at this time. They must find a place to wait for 8:30am. At the end of the day, all students must be either supervised by adults, go home or go to after school care.

The Anzac car park is closed until at least 3:10pm. Please stay in your car (parked, not lining up to exit) until this is opened. This is for the safety of our children.

The Killarney Street car park – disabled parking. Please refrain from using this park. We have had parents and grandparents rely on this park to get inside the school. It is important to note Auckland Transport have now raised the infringement charge for this to $700.00.

A friendly reminder, any photos you take at school events and trips which include other children and staff members must NOT be shared on any form of social media. Thank you.

Kapa Haka perform for Lakeview Kindergarten

Kipa and Lisa organised a short trip to Lakeview Private Kindergarten. It was an opportunity for our students to represent our school, and share Māori culture through a performance and interaction. Our students naturally took to the role of tuakana/teina, the practice of older students, caring and teaching younger students. 
The short visit concluded with light refreshments provided by Lakeview Private Kindergarten.

Teacher Only Day – Term 4

A reminder that this is the second Ministry of Education allocated day for curriculum work and is scheduled for the end of week 2 of Term 4. This is on Friday 25 October (Labour Day is Monday 28 October).

Regards, Devika and the TPS team.

Applications Invited: Out-of-Zone Enrolments for 2025

The Board has determined that limited places are available for out-of-zone students entering Year 0,1,2 & 3 ONLY in 2025.

This includes siblings of current students and those in priority 1-6 of our enrolment scheme. 

Please go to “our school” on our website for further information and to complete an online application

Closing date for applications is Sunday 13 October 2024

Ballot (if reqd) will be drawn Wednesday 16 October 2024 and results emailed 

within 3 school days. 


Link to school website here:  click here


Term 3 Peninsular Football Festival. If your child is interested, use the QR code to sign-up. Registrations close this Friday 6th September. 

Year 5 & 6 Cricket Tournament

This will take place in Week 2 of Term 4 at Takapuna Grammar. This is the  ‘Champ of champs tournament’. Some experience playing is required for this tournament. Thank you to those who have signed up in school for this. We will be entering two boys teams and one girls team. Info for the day will follow.

Term 4 Touch

Registrations are now live in our registration portal. They close on Friday 6th September

Link Here

Rippa Rugby Tournament

Year 3 – 6 learners participated in the second Rippa Tournament last Thursday 29th August.

It was a fantastic day.

School Cross-Country

Congratulations to the following year 4-6 learners who will represent T.P.S at the Cluster Competition this week at Killarney Park. 

Year 4









Year 5









Year 6










Congratulations to our year 4 netball team. They had a very successful season and finished second in their league.

Pupuke Cluster Cross Country

It was an amazing morning for running and all of our runners made us proud. Here are some pictures of our runners in action. Congratulations to everyone who competed!


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:



Thursday 26 September  Pizza,wheels, non-uniform day

Friday 27 September       Last day of Term 3


Sunday 13 October          2025 out of zone ballot closes

Monday 14 October         Term 4 starts

Wednesday 16 October   2025 out of zone ballot drawn

Friday 25 October             Teacher Only Day (NO school)

Monday 28 October          Labour Day (NO school)

Click here for School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December



After School Care/Holiday Program
Wowsers, we are speeding through this term. 
It’s time to enrol for the October holiday program already!
Hopefully we will have some warm and sunny weather for the upcoming holidays. We have an awesome and engaging program planned.  We are OSCAR approved and accept WINZ subsidies. Please bring these forms for me to complete asap. I am available every weekday from 3:00pm-6:00pm in the school hall.
Please click on the link below to enrol for the holiday program.
Bookings close on Thursday 19 September and no bookings will be taken after this date
Should you have any queries please contact me on 021 0272 4117 or
We look forward to seeing you and your children during the school holidays. 
Kind regards
Kelli and the team
TPS Aftercare Ltd
021 0272 4117

ART DAY FOR CHILDREN (ages 7 – 12 yrs.)
With step-by-step instruction children will draw then create a vibrant acrylic
painting learning tips and techniques along the way. Fun and focused.
Venue: Beach Haven Community House, Wednesday 2nd October, 11:00am – 4:00pm.
Cost $65.00
Bookings:, ph.021 132 703

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