Announcement : 

TPS celebrates “Culture Week” 17 – 21 March 

Newsletter 19 September 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS whānau,

Board Notice

The TPS Board would like to take the opportunity to convey our heartfelt thanks to our teachers.

To our teachers: While our children are at school, you, their teachers, are there for them. You take on so many different roles for them during the day—conflict negotiator, cheerleader, guidance counsellor, as well as educator. Your dedication and commitment to our children and your professionalism, often under challenging circumstances do not go unnoticed. Thank you!

To our wider parent / caregiver community: We, the Board, ask all to be mindful of all that our teachers do (both in the classroom and extracurricular to support things like sports, camp and activities). We appreciate that parents may have concerns for their children at times, and we encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher and arrange a time to meet and discuss those concerns. Time can and will be made available to discuss any specific areas especially where the formal times arranged by the school are not enough. A reminder that parents should be proactive and are a very important part of how well children experience success at school.  When interacting we do ask that teachers are treated with the respect they deserve. This includes how we write emails to staff and how we speak to them in person. At times of stress and heightened emotion, this can be forgotten. Our teachers are professionals and the Board thought as it is nearing the end of a busy term, this is a timely reminder to everyone to be kind. We thank the majority of our parents and the wider community for doing this already.

Thank you and let’s continue to work together to create a great, thriving and engaged school community.

Te wiki o te reo Māori 

We acknowledge and celebrate Te wiki o te reo Māori Language week. This year’s theme is ‘Ake ake ake – A Forever Language. ‘ The 2024 theme represents the resilience, adaptability and endurance of te reo Māori, and reflects the commitment to embracing and learning the language long into the future. At Takapuna Primary, te reo Māori is part of our everyday language, and enhanced by the amazing specialist teacher Kipa. Our Kapa Haka have been busy performing at local organisations:

On Monday, a small number of  the Kererū Kapa Haka group performed for the staff at Oranga Tamariki across the road from school.
The staff were very impressed by our group and their beautiful waiata. Thanks to Kip and whaea Moana for supporting. 

On Wednesday a second group of Kererū children did a small performance for the staff at Auckland Transport Operations centre in Smales farm. The staff were very impressed at the confidence of our tamariki and even gave us a small tour of their operations centre which was very impressive. 

IMPORTANT – Facebook launch

We wanted to share some exciting news with you! We are launching a Takapuna Primary School Facebook page, so we can share the fabulous things our students, teachers and community are achieving on a more regular basis. The purpose is to share general events, however your main communication from the school will remain as HERO. Please note it is a public forum and will be accessible to a wider community than TPS families. This means extended families and friends from around the world can view our posts. When you enrol your child, you were asked if you give permission for online publications, this includes Facebook. I urge you to get in touch with the office, if you have changed your mind and do not want us to publish your child’s photo online including Facebook. 

Celebrating success: Kererū Speech Finals

Sarah OC and I had the opportunity to listen to and judge the Kererū students who entered the Kererū speech competition. They entered to represent Takapuna Primary School in the North Shore Schools Finals held at Kristin School. We wanted to congratulate both Austin and Madden who took to the stage last week competing against local schools.

Congratulations Madden:

Historically Takapuna Primary students have often featured in the Auckland competition, and once again we are sending one of our students to the Auckland Finals held at Remuera Intermediate School. We wish Madden all the best as he presents his speech.

Constable Tania

Constable Tania popped into our school and spoke to our Tūī and Kererū team about Road Safety. They were reminded to Stop, Look and Listen before crossing a road. Constable Tania also shared how to be a safe passenger by wearing the seatbelt. A reminder to families that if you are shorter than 148cm tall, you need to be in a booster seat as the adult seat belt won’t fit you properly.

Teacher Only Day – Term 4

A reminder that this is the second Ministry of Education allocated day for curriculum work and is scheduled for the end of week 2 of Term 4.  This is on Friday 25 October (Labour Day on Monday 28 October).

Art Exhibition: We’re very excited to have our Art Exhibition coming in Term 4. Please save the following date: Tuesday 22nd October – Tuesday afternoon and evening.

Regards, Devika and the TPS team.

On Friday 6th September, TPS took 2 teams to the Auckland Chess Champs at Willowpark School. 
Team 1 got 6th place, which is a great achievement! Congratulations to Austin, Blake, Iris and Miles.
A BIG thank you to Jeff, Iris’s dad for helping on the day. 

Pizza Orders – ORDER NOW!

Thursday 26 September is wheels, pizza, and non-uniform day!

You can now order your pizza and pay your non-uniform day donation with your mykindo account.

  – Select the Pizza Day icon to order your pizza.

  – Select the Non-uniform Day icon to make your donation

Pizza orders close Tuesday 24 September @ 10:00am 

No late orders, so jump online and place your order today.


Non-uniform day donations are open until the end of term. 

Applications Invited: Out-of-Zone Enrolments for 2025

The Board has determined that limited places are available for out-of-zone students entering Year 0,1,2 & 3 ONLY in 2025.

This includes siblings of current students and those in priority 1-6 of our enrolment scheme. 

Please go to “our school” on our website for further information and to complete an online application

Closing date for applications is Sunday 13 October 2024

Ballot (if reqd) will be drawn Wednesday 16 October 2024 and results emailed 

within 3 school days. 


Would you like to claim your charitable donation tax rebates? 

Help Takapuna Primary by re-gifting your tax rebate to the school

Takapuna Primary has partnered with to help you share your charitable donation tax rebates with the school.

By signing up at, 33% of your donations made are able to be paid back to the school as a tax rebate. For example, when you pay the school donation, the donation is tax deductible. Using SuperGenerous, this means you can both claim back the tax for your donation paid and support your school. All you need to do is sign up here:

Please note:

  • By signing up, SuperGenerous will become your tax agent for charitable donations only and is IRD approved. It will Not replace your existing tax agent for other tax services you may have. 
  • We are listed as Takapuna School on SuperGenerous (not Takapuna Primary School). 

Every dollar helps as often the Ministry does not cover all costs. We would greatly appreciate your support!

A big thank you to Aysa’s mum, who made this terrific cake for all the staff at TPS.

We appreciate your kind gesture!


Link to school website here:  click here

In-Line Hockey

Does your child own in-line skates? Would they be interested in a ‘have-a-go session’ with the Glenfield Vipers to learn about in-line Hockey? If yes, please email  as soon as possible. 


Congratulations to: 

 Year 5 team came second!

Bailey, Danika, Harper, (Melanie, Coach), Jemma, Emma, Jessica, Isabella and Arya

Year 6 won their league!

Elise, Ava, Zena, (Jo, Coach) Julia, Sylvie, Selina, Abbey and Alice


If you are interested in your child playing Flippa Ball on a Sunday afternoon please contact  

Upcoming Events

Girls Football Tournament Monday 23rd September

Boys Football Tournament Wednesday 25th September

Cricket Tournament, Term 4 

Touch starts Term 4 


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:



Thursday 26 September  Pizza,wheels, non-uniform day

Friday 27 September       Last day of Term 3


Sunday 13 October          2025 out of zone ballot closes

Monday 14 October         Term 4 starts

Wednesday 16 October   2025 out of zone ballot drawn

Tuesday 22 October         Art Exhibition

Friday 25 October            Teacher Only Day (NO school)

Monday 28 October         Labour Day (NO school)

Click here for School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December



After School Care/Holiday Program
Wowsers, we are speeding through this term. 
It’s time to enrol for the October holiday program already!
Hopefully we will have some warm and sunny weather for the upcoming holidays. We have an awesome and engaging program planned.  We are OSCAR approved and accept WINZ subsidies. Please bring these forms for me to complete asap. I am available every weekday from 3:00pm-6:00pm in the school hall.
Please click on the link below to enrol for the holiday program.
Bookings CLOSE TODAY and NO bookings will be taken after today. 
Should you have any queries please contact me on 021 0272 4117 or
We look forward to seeing you and your children during the school holidays. 
Kind regards
Kelli and the team
TPS Aftercare Ltd
021 0272 4117

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