Kia ora TPS families,
Please register using the information below to generate your free ticket
School Uniform:
A reminder that our winter uniform is:
- TPS uniform Jersey
- TPS long pants
- You can wear only black or navy blue long sleeve under the TPS top or leggings underneath skorts/shorts
We appreciate your support with meeting our school uniform expectations
Bike Track:
On Friday 17 May (tomorrow!) at 2:00pm – Takapuna Primary will officially open our new bike track for our students to use outside of school time (under the strict supervision of parents). Exciting!!
Until we have a structured approach to using the bike track during school time, children during school hours will be able to play on the field but not on the track. On Friday, we will speak to them about using a helmet and riding carefully using bikes or scooters. They will walk alongside the track and will be able to ask any questions etc.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need our parents, families, friends and whānau to be SUPER VIGILANT about looking after our bike track. Encouraging children to ride one way only, wear their helmets and make good decisions. It is a very special resource we want to keep for a long time!
Pink Shirt Day:
Once again, we will support Pink Shirt day. Our focus will be on discussing the impact of bullying and promoting kindness to each other. This will be tomorrow – Friday 17 May.
Disco – TOMORROW NIGHT! come in your PJ’s
We have seen a spike in the spread of flu-like symptoms with both children and teachers. We ask everyone to stay home if they are not well.
Teacher Only Day:
Please note Friday 31 May is a Teacher Only Day, there is NO school on this day.
Regards, Devika and the TPS team
If a student misses just one day of school every two weeks, they miss a whole year of school by 16 years of age!
As a parent or caregiver, you, alongside our school, play a key role in building strong habits of regular school attendance.
All students are legally required to attend school every day and it is a shared responsibility to make sure students attend and engage in learning from when they first start school. As we enter 2024, every day of school matters.
You MUST let the school know if your child is going to be absent for a day or intends to be absent for a portion of the school term for whatever reason, like a tangi or medical procedure. Family holidays or taking time off for extracurricular activities (not organised by school) are not acceptable reasons for being absent.
If you’re struggling at home with getting your child to school, talk to us! Our school is committed to supporting your child to attend school and building a culture that fosters excellent attendance by having:
- School staff who have strong relationships with students and whānau.
- A school culture that recognises your child and your family for who they are, where they come from and who they want to be.
- A school community that does everything to make sure students are at school, and they are participating, and progressing in their education.
When should I keep my child home from school? (Guidelines from the Ministry of education)
You should keep your child home from school if they are:
- too sick to learn and need time to rest and recover
- have symptoms of concern including fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, sore throat, skin infections such as school sores, a new rash or difficulty breathing
- have tested positive for COVID-19 (more information on symptoms, testing, and when it is safe to return to school, can be found below)
- a household contact of someone with COVID-19, they develop symptoms themselves and they are testing with a rapid antigen test over a 48-hour period to see if they present a positive result during that time
- have an infectious illness and have been advised to stay home by their local public health team or their healthcare provider.
If you have COVID-19 – Te Whatu Ora
Please note: Children may return to school 24 hours after they have finished vomiting.
Chess Club:
Last Friday TPS took 6 children to compete in the North Shore Schools Chess Competition at Willowpark school.
This was the first competition for 5 of the 6 players. Although the team did not receive an official top placing they played competitively and did our school proud. Congratulations to Blake, Alice, Selina, Elias, Austin and Iris.
Thanks also to our parent helpers Cherrie, Jeff and Bo for helping on the day.
Learning Support (teacher aide) help needed:
We are looking for a learning support (teacher aide) person to work approximately 12-15 hours per week with a student who has high health and learning needs. Training and support will be provided. Days/times can be negotiated. Start date ASAP.
For further information please email your details to:
Native Grove:
A huge thanks to those amazing people who turned up to support our working be in the native grove last week. You really made a huge difference.
We hope to have this space open in the very near future.
Photolife Photos:
A Photolife information form will be sent home with your child on Friday.
Please DO NOT return the form UNLESS you would like a photo of SIBLINGS together. Please ensure you sign this form (if there is no signature, the sibling photo will not be taken).
Please return sibling photo request form to your child’s teacher/office by Friday 31 May

Rippa Rugby Registration
Registration for the 2024 Rippa festival is now open. Please fill the form in here.
Interested in playing Chess?
Weekly chess competition at Northcote Intermediate school hall
Saturday night 6:30pm-8:30pm, entry fee $7.00.
3 level groups
A+: Top NZ Junior Players
Advance: Players with experience
Intermediate: Players who have learned all the rules of chess, 6 years and older
Every three weeks based on result, we have prize giving.
Monthly competition is hosted at Willow Park school hall
Play 5-6 games during the competition, is designed for players who are playing chess and want to improve their skills fast
Sunday Afternoon 3:30pm-7:00pm, entry fee $25.00, afternoon tea included.
2 level groups
Champion: Top Players
Major: Players over 6 years old, learned rules of chess.
This Sunday 19 May 2024
Parent Donations Receipts – HOW TO DOWNLOAD
Through Hero you can download your receipts (Instructions are also on our website, under ‘Information’)
Here’s how …..
In a web browser go to https://go.linc-ed.com/ YOU MUST USE THIS WEBSITE – The Hero app on your phone does not have this feature.
Mitey – Mental Health Education:
Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.
Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.
All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey.
For more information visit the website: https://www.mitey.org.nz/
Friday 17 May Winter Wonderland Disco (yr 0-2 4:30-5:30pm, yr 3-6 5:45-7:00pm)
Friday 17 May Pink Shirt Day
Thursday 23 May Raising Confident & Resiliant Kids (Rangitoto Bld 7:00pm)
Friday 31 May Teacher Only Day (no school)
Tuesday 11 June Class/Portrait photos
Wednesday 12 June Sibling/Team photos
Click here for School Calendar
Dear Families
There is a Teacher Only Day scheduled for 31/5/24. We would like to help families out by opening for a full day 8:00am-6:00pm on the day.
The cost would be $45.00 for the day.
Please note that children who are rostered to attend aftercare on Fridays will still be liable for aftercare fees, so in this case only the difference to make up the $45.00 is required.
We can only open for the day if we have enough children attending on the day to make it viable for us.
Could you please let me know by Monday 20 May if you would like your child to attend the full day with us on 31/5/24.
Kind regards
Kelli Labuschagne
TPS Aftercare Ltd