Announcement : 

TPS celebrates “Culture Week” 17 – 21 March 

Newsletter 30 May 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS families,


Playground Upgrade!

We are VERY excited to start fundraising to upgrade our tired playground, if all goes well – we’re hopeful we can get an upgrade completed by the end of the year!  You can find details below on how you can help support this for our learners. Many families are unaware that all playgrounds, school pools, bike tracks, basketball/netball are all self funded by the school community. There is no Ministry of Education funding to help schools. Any donations via the Readathon or straight into the TPS account would go a long way to help, the school Board have also committed to an upgrade with a financial contribution. I know we can do it! 


Year 6 Student Leaders:

Congratulations to these amazing tamariki – our Year 6 student leaders. 

Tamina, Lily, Elise, Apple, Alice, Selina, Zena, Luke, Julia, Madden, Thomas, Jay, Hanlu, Sylvie, Sariah, Harry (absent). 


Road Safety Week: 

As part of Road Safety Week, the children have all looked at safe crossing around our kura. All the teachers walked their classes out to Killarney Street pedestrian crossing as well as Anzac/Auburn Street corner traffic lights to talk about how to cross the road safely. We encourage you to keep role modelling these safe practices. 

We also had Sariah, Zena and Selina make some signs to help remind the public to slow down around schools. 

Here they are at Killarney Street: 

Feel good moment: 

I took these photos last week while the children were playing on the field. My observations: 

  • There were children ranging from Year 1 to Year 6 playing together for an extended period of time
  • They had organised a ref who everyone responded to 
  • At one time, a student was hurt and the game was stopped (by their ref) and there was a huddle to help, then the child stood up and others took him off the playing field to rest 

A lovely reminder that sometimes children learn best when put into situations to problem solve (with support nearby). Children keep learning when things feel a bit harder and they have to work as a team, be empathetic and cater to all abilities on the field. Well done to these students.

Parenting Place Evening:

A big thank you to all our families who came to our Parenting Place evening on Thursday night. We had a fabulous turnout with over 80 parents joining us for this first session. We hope you found it both informative and enjoyable. We will be holding our second Parenting Place event in August. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for dates. If you have any specific feedback about the evening please email Sarah – Below is a message from the team at the Parenting Place.

From the team at Parenting Place, thank you for coming along to our Parenting Talk. We’re so excited to have you join us in our mission: supporting parents (like you!) to build strong family relationships.

If attending the talk was the first time we’ve ‘met’, you may not know that offers encouraging courses, insightful articles and content to support you – whatever stage of the parenting journey you’re at. While you’re checking us out, you can sign up for regular email newsletters featuring the latest parenting advice and inspo (no spam, we promise!)

Finally, if you missed the chance to get 20% off the parenting resources in our online store, complete this short and sweet survey to share your thoughts on the Parenting Talk you attended.

Teacher Only Day – school closed TOMORROW – HAPPY LONG WEEKEND!

Regards, Devika and the TPS team

Photolife Photos:

Please DO NOT return the form UNLESS you would like a photo of SIBLINGS together. Please ensure you sign the form (if there is no signature, the sibling photo will not be taken).

Please return your sibling photo request form to your child’s teacher or the office by Tuesday 4 June.

Lost Property:

A reminder to ensure that ALL uniform/belongings are named. 


Link to school website here:  click here


Here is our weekly Saturday night event for children wanting to play chess.

click here


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:



Friday 31 May             Teacher Only Day (no school)

Monday 3 June           King’s Birthday (no school)

Tuesday 11 June         Class/Portrait photos

Wednesday 12 June   Sibling/Team/Group photos

Friday 5 July                End of Term 2 (3:00pm)

Click here for School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 Septemer
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December



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