Announcement : 

TPS celebrates “Culture Week” 17 – 21 March 

Newsletter 12 December 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS whānau                                  Like us



Tēnā koutou katoa whānau,

This is our last newsletter of the year! I can’t believe how quickly time has gone. A huge thanks to you all, what an amazing community we have, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break and have some time off to spend with your children and family.

Class organisation for 2025:

Whānau Kiwi (x5 classes)

6A – Stefanie – Year 1                     5A – Sarah S – Year 1 & 2

6B – Hannah – Year 1                      5B – Emily – Year 2

                                                       5C – Baljinder – Year 2

Whānau Tūī (x5 classes)                        Whānau Kererū (x6 classes)

Tūī A – Sarah R – Year 3 & 4                     Kererū A – Jane P – Year 4 & 5

Tūī B – Marizanne – Year 3 & 4                 Kererū B – Pauline – Year 5 & 6

Tūī C – Phoenix – Year 3 & 4                     Kererū C – Tash T – Year 5 & 6

Tūī D – Kelly – Year 3 & 4                          Kererū D – Nikita – Year 5 & 6

Tūī E – Anneke – Year 3 & 4                      Kererū E – Sammy – Year 5 & 6

                                                                  Kererū F – Denise – Year 5 & 6

Specialist Teachers:

ESOL – (English as Second Language) – Sui-Ling – Year 2

ESOL – (English as Second Language) – Tash G – Year 3-6

Music & STEM – Harmony – Year 1-6

Te Ao Māori – Kipa – Year 1-6

Composite Classes:

You’ll notice we have composite classes this means we have two age groups working together during one year. Here are some things that help you understand why:

  1. Lower class numbers for all classes results in teachers having a little more time for each student, we have had to do this to balance numbers for Kererū and Kiwi classes in 2025
  2. Students learning is set at their pace, and stage regardless of age
  3. Socialisation – mixed-age classes foster teamwork, leadership and empathy
  4. Prepares for real-world collaboration – students learn to work with diverse age groups
  5. Teachers adapt instruction and monitor academic progress regardless of the composition of the class

This is not new to the way we work at Takapuna Primary School.

On Monday 16 December, children will visit their new class and an automated message will be shared via Hero.

Goodbye to:

Kathleen and Isabel, both fixed term teachers working in whānau Kiwi this year have decided to finish up their time at TPS. Our best wishes for their 2025 journey and beyond. We’ve been so fortunate to have these amazing teachers. Our school will be farewelling our staff with a team assembly (where children will be involved) as well as a staff farewell.

Welcome to:

Hannah, who will be a permanent full time teacher at Takapuna Primary School and will work alongside Stefanie in the Year 1 class.

Students/families leaving at the end of 2025:

If you are planning to move from Takapuna Primary at the end of this year, please email the office – and let us know as soon as possible. We rely on accurate information for class placements and 2025 planning.

TPS Beach Day:

It was a wonderful day yesterday, the sun came out and all the children had a great time. It is a long standing tradition taking all our children down to Takapuna Beach every year and we were so glad we made it this year. We had over 100 adults and more than 400 students on the beach making sandcastles, playing sports and enjoying our beautiful surroundings. 

End of Year Report:

These will be published via Hero. If you would like to print the entire report for the year, you are able to do so now as it will be a complete year of reporting. You will notice a general comment in Term 4 that sums up key strengths of each of our students. There will also be an Overall Teacher Judgement shared with you on Reading, Writing and Mathematics. These statements will indicate if the children have met their year level expectations. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teachers.


Kelly Club is coming to Takapuna Primary School


Dear Parents & Caregivers of the Takapuna Primary School community,

Kelly Club is excited to be bringing our before and after-school care and holiday programme to Takapuna Primary School from Term 1 2025 (Monday 3rd February).

Kelly Club has been operating throughout NZ for over 15 years, and our motto is “Kids Home Away from Home”.

Kids who attend our programme get to do a wonderful array of different things in a fun, safe and caring environment. Things like sports and games, arts and crafts, baking and cooking, science and discovery, along with structured free play after a long day at school.

You can find more information and book our programme by clicking on the link below.



We need all library books, school reading books and school owned devices to be returned now please! These are expensive resources that we need back, please leave them in the office or return to the teachers.

Regards, Devika and the TPS team.  

“It has been great to get to know other parents in the school.” – Kelly (teacher & SCG member)
“I want to give my kids everything, but no more than one sibling. As an SCG member, I can organise fun activities for 400+ kids to enjoy with him without messing up my own kitchen and living room.” – Cherry 
“While we have amazing teachers and support staff at TPS it is awesome to have opportunities to catch up with other parents, meet the kids our kids talk about and be present. I especially love the discos. Thank you to all the parents who support with their attendance as well as financially.  We have a great community”. – Jo

“Watching the joy and excitement on the kids’ faces during our events has been the most rewarding part of being in the SCG, and it’s been wonderful getting to know the students, other parents, and some of the teachers on a more personal level while working with such creative and fun SCG members.” – Miki
“It’s great to be a part of the school community. A community that extends beyond the doors of our school and into the lives of the families that make Takapuna Primary what it is. It’s lovely to see the joy in the faces of the young people, get to meet the teachers and other parents and know that we are contributing to our schools future. I love the afterschool events where the children play and the parents get to catch up and connect”. – Rebekah
“Being a part of the SCG is a great way of meeting other parents and of being a part of ensuring that your kids have the best primary school experience”. – Mandy
“Thank you for your unwavering support and contribution to our school. Your efforts create a nurturing and inspiring environment where our students can learn, grow, and succeed. Together, we make our school a place of excellence and community spirit”. – Maygha

HURRY………… pizza orders close 10:00am FRIDAY!

Change of Contact Details: (IMPORTANT)

Please be aware, it is very important that the office is notified immediately if you have either moved to another address, or changed your contact phone numbers or emergency contacts.

Please notify the office at

Save the Date!

Te Hui Whakapiri

(A meeting to form close association)

Te Hui Whakapiri (1:1 parent meetings) will be held on Monday 3 February 2025 


It is expected that all parents meet with their child’s guardian teacher


On this day, children and their families will attend a 15 minute interview time with their teacher and then return home. Students should wear their school uniform. 


The first full day of school will be Tuesday 4 February 2025.  


Booking Information on how to book will be posted on Hero

(*Interview times will be available 9:00am-5:30pm on Monday 3 February 2025)

Reporting Absences:


Please use the HERO APP to report absences/lates  

Here is how:

SCHOOL DONATIONS – An investment in our students

Our mission at Takapuna Primary School is to deliver a great quality learning environment that supports a quality education. To support this, we are seeking your help.

Your school donations make a very real difference to us as a state-funded public school. Our basic costs are met by the Ministry of Education, but it’s the money we receive from our school community that really allows us to provide opportunities, equipment and teaching beyond what is funded by the government. As an example, we would like to undertake further playground enhancements including sun shades, and also to enable wet weather use. This funding is therefore so important in providing a high-quality learning environment (both in and out of the classroom).

The school donation for 2024 is $250 per student, or $400 for families with two or more students. We can arrange weekly, fortnightly, or monthly instalments via internet banking if this helps spread the cost. Importantly, donations are tax deductible so approximately one third of every donation can be claimed back as a tax credit. That means for a $250 donation you receive $83 back in your wallet. Your actual donation cost is $167.

Another way to help would be to sign up with Super Generous so you can donate back the tax refund component of all your donations: 


To make your donation payments please go to the ‘Hero’ app and click on the ‘Finance’ tab. Alternatively, any payments can also be made directly into the school bank account 12 3026 0792484 00 – if doing so, please ensure you include your child’s name and ‘donation’ as reference on the payment.

We do understand these are uncertain times and managing financial priorities can be difficult for some families. 

Any queries regarding payments can be directed to our accounts team:

If you would like to know more about how the School Board operates and/or would be interested in understanding how else you can help, please contact: 

Thanks so much for helping to support our growing and vibrant community.

Kindest regards

Takapuna Primary School Board of Trustees


Would you like to claim your charitable donation tax rebates? 

Help Takapuna Primary by re-gifting your tax rebate to the school

Takapuna Primary has partnered with to help you share your charitable donation tax rebates with the school.

By signing up at, 33% of your donations made are able to be paid back to the school as a tax rebate. For example, when you pay the school donation, the donation is tax deductible. Using SuperGenerous, this means you can both claim back the tax for your donation paid and support your school. All you need to do is sign up here:

Please note:

  • By signing up, SuperGenerous will become your tax agent for charitable donations only and is IRD approved. It will Not replace your existing tax agent for other tax services you may have. 
  • We are listed as Takapuna School on SuperGenerous (not Takapuna Primary School). 

Every dollar helps as often the Ministry does not cover all costs. We would greatly appreciate your support!

A very big THANK YOU to the SUSHI GALLERY, TAKAPUNA for delivering a beautiful platter for staff to enjoy! 

 Lost Property:


Please check for your child’s belongings.

*All remaining items will be donated to the clothing bin on MONDAY.


Link to school website here:  click here

Year 2/3/4 Takapuna Rockets Basketball Team

Year 5/6 Takapuna Victors Touch Rugby Team

Year 5/6 Takapuna Lakers Basketball Team


Thursday 12 December       Year 6 Graduation 6:00PM TONIGHT!

Monday 16 December         Meet the teacher (10:00am-11:00am)

Tuesday 17 December         Pizza/wheels/non-uniform day

Wednesday 18 December   Last day of Term 4 (3:00pm)


Monday 3 February             1.1 Te Hui Whakapiri (meet teacher-detail to follow)

Tuesday 4 February              First day of school 2025

Thursday 6 February            Waitangi Day (NO school)

Click here for School Calendar

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December



To read the latest edition of TOTS TO TEENS MAGAZINE

click here


What’s in this issue for parents?

» Navigating sibling rivalry 
» Cool camping spots (north and south island)
» Is strength training ok for kids?
» What’s on near you
» DIY snowman ornaments
» Christmas cookies 
» PLUS awesome giveaways

Copyright © Takapuna Primary School 2024
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