Announcement : 

OUT OF ZONE APPLICATIONS for terms 2-4 2025 OPEN NOW! (year 0/1 & 2 ONLY) *closes Friday 21 March 2025


Kia ora! Welcome to the Takapuna Primary School Board

At the heart of Takapuna Primary School (TPS), our dedicated team celebrates the vibrant journey of learning and growth of our tamariki. A big mihi to our extraordinary kaimahi (staff) for nurturing and guiding our young learners in achieving their academic and personal goals.

Our students, the heartbeat of our school, embody our values with pride, excelling in various fields, including academics, sports, and the arts. 2023 has been a remarkable year of achievements, with the success of our school show etc.

With the onset of the 2023-2026 board term, we’ve welcomed fresh faces and ideas, building upon the legacy of our predecessors. Our board members, a mix of passionate community members, staff, and parents of current or former students, are devoted to enhancing TPS’s journey. Discover more about us in our individual bios.

In 2024, we look to actively support school investment and enhance opportunities for learners and families, that align with the school’s strategic and annual plans. 

Our Board’s Structure & Committees

Our board functions through a blend of full board and committee meetings, leveraging the expertise of our members for efficient governance. While committees focus on specific areas, the full board makes all final decisions.

  • The Personnel Committee: Partners with the Senior Leadership Team to oversee employment matters and attract top-notch staff for our school.
  • Te Ao Māori Committee: This committee is integral in guiding the incorporation of Te Ao Māori and Te Reo Māori into our daily school life, ensuring our commitment to these vital aspects of New Zealand’s heritage and Ti Tiriti ō Waitangi.
  • Property Committee: Works on property management and future planning, including developing long-term plans in line with Ministry of Education guidelines.
  • Health and Safety Committee: Ensures a safe and healthy environment for our tamariki and staff, maintaining rigorous health and safety standards and practices.
  • Policies and Procedures Committee: Manages the updating and reviewing of our school policies, utilising SchoolDocs for a structured review process.
  • Finance Committee: Offers financial oversight and guidance, ensuring responsible management of the school’s budget and finances.
  • Revenue Committee: Overseas fundraising, in partnership with the SCG, and manages leveraging of the school’s assets to raise funds to support better outcomes for our tamariki.

We are always on the lookout for people who can support the school Board, either by joining on an ongoing basis and/or supporting specialist pieces of work or projects. If you would like to know more about getting involved, please email:

Takapuna Primary Board


Devika Tagg


About Me

Ko Rangitoto te maunga e rū nei taku ngakau
Rangitoto is the mountain that speaks to my heart
Ko Ōrewa te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara
Ōrewa is the water that alleviates my worries
E mihi ana kia ngā tohu o nene, o Tāmaki Makaurau.
I recognise the ancestral and spiritual landmarks of Auckland where I live.
Ko Tagg tōku whānau
My family name is Tagg
Ko Devika tōku ingoa.
My name is Devika
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Thus, my acknowledgement to you all.


Andrew Stevens

Presiding Member (Chairperson)

About Me

Tēnā koutou katoa Greetings to you all Nō England ōku tupuna My ancestors are from England I tae mai oku tupuna ki Aotearoa te tau 1841 My ancestors arrived in NZ in the year 1841 Kei Takapuna ahau e noho ana I am from and live in Takapuna E mahi ana au hei Peeke Banking is my work. Ko Andrew toku ingoa My name is Andrew


Petra Kent

Board Member

About Me

Ko Kōtirana te whakapapa ranga mai, Engari Ko Whāngarei te whenua tupu, My heritage is Scottish but I grew up in Whangarei Ko Te Raki Paewhenua taku kāinga, He kaiako ki te kura tuarua au Takapuna My home is the North Shore and I’m a teacher at Takapuna Grammar School. Ko Petra Kent taku ingoa, Tēnā tatou katoa


Lauren Sladen

Board Member

About Me

Coming Soon


Dauniika Puklowski

Board Member

About Me

Ko Maungatapu te maunga, Ko Maitahe te moana, Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Ngāti Koata te iwi, Ko Whakatū te marae, Ko Puklowski tōku whānau, Ko Dauniika tōku ingoa. Nō reira, tēnā kourou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.


Natasha Giles

Board Member

About Me

Ko Rangitoto te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau.
Rangitoto is the mountain that speaks to my heart.
Ko Waitemata te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara.
Waitemata is the sea that alleviates my worries.
Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau.
I am from Auckland.
E mihi ana kia ngā tohu o nene, o Tāmaki Makaurau.
I recognise the ancestral and spiritual landmarks of Auckland where I live.
Ko Ben tōku tamaiti
Ben is my child.
Ko Tasha tōku ingoa.
My name is Tasha.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Thus, my acknowledgement to you all.


Duncan Gross

Board Member

About Me
