Announcement : 

OUT OF ZONE APPLICATIONS for terms 2-4 2025 OPEN NOW! (year 0/1 & 2 ONLY) *closes Friday 21 March 2025


Behaviour Expectations

Maintaining High expectations

All children have the right to an education without disruption in a safe environment.

1. Staff and students have the right to: a) be safe b) learn c) be respected

2. Positive correction will be used to address students who are impinging on the rights set out above. This will be done in a manner which communicates calm.

3. The aim of these interactions is to create behaviour awareness by the individual, with a goal towards behaviour ownership.

4. These procedures should be used to compliment the classroom-specific behaviour programmes used by each classroom teacher

Our TPS values are instrumental in supporting positive behaviour in our school

Playground Incidents

All teachers have a duty of care at all times. If a problem arises in the playground which cannot be resolved with by the Peer Mediators, the duty teacher will take the time to resolve the situation using Restorative Practices and pass on relevant information to the classroom teachers.

Should ongoing support be required for a students, an individual behaviour plan will be created. This will happen collaboratively with a Whanau Leader or Principal, teacher, parents, and child. Any external support agencies, such as RTLB, GSE etc, will be contacted as required.

Bell Times

8:30 am Classrooms open

8:58 am Roll is taken and classes begin

11:00 -11:30 am Interval

1:00 -1:50 pm Lunch time

3:00 pm School finishes

Children should be dropped off at school between 8:30am and 8:55am and they must leave the grounds promptly. It is essential that children know who is picking them up after school and where to meet them. If children are not collected at 3:00pm, they need to line up outside the office and we will call parents.

All parent and emergency contact numbers must be kept up to date.


We encourage cyclists (bicycle and scooter) with helmets secured correctly. Any younger children riding to school should be closely accompanied by an adult. Cycles and scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds and should be stored in the designated bike and scooter stands.

Car parks

Takapuna Primary is situated on a very busy main road and for the safety of our children, families and staff, we urge you to park along neighbouring streets and walk your child to school.

Please use the designated controlled street crossing and when you need to cross the roads.

First Aid trained

Our teaching team are all First Aid trained which is renewed every 2 years. This is completed with St John and covers the following:

  • confidence in recognising and treating cardiac arrest, choking, and bleeding
  • the basic skills to provide time-critical assistance and CPR before more experienced help arrives
  • a Basic Life Support certificate valid for 2 years upon successful completion

Our Office team and Principal

  • First aid and CPR plus the additional skills and confidence to handle major injuries, multiple casualties, and more scene-specific, emergency first aid
  • First Aid Level 2 certificate valid for 2 years

Did you know we have an AED in our office? Why?

Each year more than 2,000 New Zealanders will suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital and the use of an AED within 3-5 min of collapse can increase the chance of survival by up to 44%! Find out more at

Health and Safety

To ensure children are safe at school we ask the following:

DROP OFF: We recommend dropping children off between 8:30am and 8:55am. This ensures they have enough time to put their belongings away and catch up with friends. If children arrive before 8.15am, they will be asked to go to the office, where we will contact families.

PICK UP: All children must understand that school finishes at 3:00pm, and parents need to ensure there is a plan for pick up. All children who have not been picked up are asked to come to the office so we can call home. PLEASE help us, and pick up your child on time. Walking is a great option, as there are many nearby options for parking.

Outside these hours, there is no adequate supervision

If you are arriving late (after 9:00am) or need to collect your child early for any reason, you must sign in/out at the office first, before going to class. You will be given a card for the teacher.


The Library is open from 9:00am until 3:00pm

Children are welcome to visit the library at lunchtimes where we have an adult on duty. It is often a safe, quiet place to visit if new children are feeling overwhelmed or in need of some peaceful time. Classes can visit the library at least once a week or as needed.

Lost Property

All lost property is placed in a large box situated by the school office. It is available for children and adults to look through before, during and after school.

Lunches and Supervision

All children are supervised by a duty teacher for the first 10 minutes of the lunch time. Each class have a designated area for eating their lunch. All rubbish and uneaten food are taken home. We ask that children do not bring sugary foods (lollies, chocolate, juice drinks) in their lunchboxes. Children may not share food with others due to spreading of germs, as well as food allergies. We have children in our school who are severely allergic to nuts, and ask that parents keep nut products in children’s lunchboxes to an absolute minimum. Lunch orders are available, please see tab above.

Mobile phones

If they are needed before or after school, they must be handed into the office where it is kept securely.